19 décembre, 2011
New Show Reel
My new Show Reel !
includes projects I directed from 2006 to 2011.
Music by Beck from the amazing album Midnight vulture.
Space Scarab
Graffiti Antwerp Mansion
13 août, 2011
12 août, 2011
15 juin, 2011
24 avril, 2011
31 mars, 2011
CROWDFUNDING Collective film project
Bonjour, Hi,
crowdfunding page of my Project: Both Sides Of The Mirror.
Have a look at it.
"Like it".
Share it.
Feedback Welcome.
clic here to go on the website of the project
projet de film collectif, Both Sides of the Mirror.
clic here to go on the website of the project
projet de film collectif, Both Sides of the Mirror.
Je vous invite à y jeter un oeil.
"like it".
Partagé l'adresse.
Dites moi ce que vous en pensez.
Bonne journée !be seeing you !
21 février, 2011
a new show
composed of west African drummers, musician, keyboard and electronic drums from uk, scrach and samples from spain, another spanish drummer, a drummer from Argentina and visual from a french artist.

on facebook
next date in manchester, friday the 25th of march at sakibar Manchester "curry mile", for a charity night raising money for under 18 refuges, asilium seekers and destitutes.
16 février, 2011
test smoke for project
15 février, 2011
press release, both sides of the mirror, film collective project
Call up for film-makers, producers, video artists and musicians, for an ambitious collaborative film project.

Be part of a collective dream.
Headed by the Parisian film-maker Pablo Melchor, this project aspires to explore the eternal and illuminating world of dreams. Over the next few months we will be looking for people to contribute to the project by either producing their own short film about a dream or to collaborate with others. This is a unique opportunity to work alongside people from around the world.
Your film might be a nightmare, you might be a sleepwalker, it might be realistic or surrealistic, It might seek to deal with a personal issue or it might be an array of images and sounds. This is of course up to you and what the sand man might bring you.
Headed by the Parisian film-maker Pablo Melchor, this project aspires to explore the eternal and illuminating world of dreams. Over the next few months we will be looking for people to contribute to the project by either producing their own short film about a dream or to collaborate with others. This is a unique opportunity to work alongside people from around the world.
Your film might be a nightmare, you might be a sleepwalker, it might be realistic or surrealistic, It might seek to deal with a personal issue or it might be an array of images and sounds. This is of course up to you and what the sand man might bring you.

The finished project will bring together the shorts into one film that will be sent to film festivals and be screened throughout the globe. for more informations or if you are interested please contact Pablo Melchor at :
or go on the website:
www.wix.com/kinopablo/both-sides .
08 février, 2011

Call up for Script writers
I am currently setting up a writing team for different projects, including
an internationnal collective film project:
both sides of the mirror
a feature film staring wynnie La Freak:
Photo Wynnie La Freak
and other adaptations, short films and documentaries.
the aim of this group is to create films with an identity, a style, to create an intense experience, a message that change from Hollywood, something new and diferent.
The films that have change my life:
Blade runner
les maître du temps
the holy mountain
santa sangre
the baron of munchausen
Ethernal sunshine and the spotless mind
If you are interested send me something about you and something you've written, if possible an extract of a dialogue and an extract of a scenario.
my website is:
10 janvier, 2011
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Qui êtes-vous ?

- pablo
- pour l'instant je suis moi et personne d'autre j'aimerais être un surréaliste mais c'est trop tard.